The Week of May 4, 2020 — Heat, Changes Coming to Barton Road Between Anderson and Campus Streets, and The Pandemic Continues.

The Week of May 4, 2020 — Heat, Changes Coming to Barton Road Between Anderson and Campus Streets, and The Pandemic Continues.

The featured image for this week’s blog was taken from the west end of parking structure P4 located on the south side of Barton Road. It shows a crew forming a section of the median between Anderson and Campus Streets, which when completed will add a left turn lane allowing emergency room patients and ambulances traveling east on Barton Road to turn left crossing the west bound lanes and enter the Emergency Room entrance. This realignment will save wait time at the Barton Road/Anderson Street light and mitigate U-turns onto the westbound lanes, thus freeing up the intersection to allow Anderson Street traffic to turn right onto Barton Road without fear of traffic making U-turns.

Barton Road — New Left Turn Lane

A view of the median realignment facing west.

West Corridor and Loading Dock

A view of the west yard corridor from parking structure P4.
A concrete slurry was poured in the bottom of the loading dock pit. Rebar will be set inside to reinforce the foundation pad.
The loading dock rebar, which will reinforce a thick concrete pad.

Main Entrance Gallery and Canopy — Update

A view of the Galleria from the east end.
The metal frame for the chapel and the two meditation rooms as viewed from the east.
A view of the Galleria from the west. The large room in the foreground will be the chapel.

The Entrance Canopy — Update

The grade beam rebar, which will reinforce the concrete foundation for the entrance canopy.
Prepping and setting an embed.
A Set Embed: One of 26 embeds that are integrated with the rebar frame and the cast-in-situ foundation pilings. The canopy columns will be set on and anchored to these embeds.

Emergency Generator Plant — Update

Under gray skies, down at the southwest corner, the last of the concrete crew finish up after a the last of the four generator pads had been poured.
The las row has been set on the east center wall.
A complete view of the east center wall.
The South exterior wall facing Taylor Street.
The Emergency Generator Plant building. The west wall will be made of a chainlink partition supported by painted steel columns. This type of screen wall will allow for better access to the pads for the generator installation and maintenance. the screen will also allow for better air flow.
The north side of the the Emergency Generator plant.
The switchgear room, will be the only section of the plant that will have a roof, which will be made of a SBS modified Roofing material.

The East Parking Area — Update

With compaction tests complete the bottom ( between the cutback and. the stakes on the right) for the shoring are concrete base is ready for forming.
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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨