Answers to Questions From Visitors

Answers to Questions From Visitors

The featured photograph for this post is of a June 25, 2020, sunset. As if mother nature was giving a sundown blessing, a gentle upper-level wind, appear to blow the puffy clouds bathed in pastels toward the Dennis and Carol Truesh Medical Campus.

With this Post, a new and vital feature to the website is being added, which will, hopefully, stimulate additional interest and conversation about the Loma Linda University Health Campus Transformation Project (LLUHCTP). In Answers to Questions from Visitor, I will attempt to answer the questions on a timely basis. I reserve the right to frame and interpret the question in suitable format. To protect the sender’s privacy, I will only use the first name along with the last name initial.

Question: What is happening on the north, south, and west side of the hospital as there are no webcams, so we can only guess? Dennis S.
Answer: From the angle of the cameras on these three sides, it is difficult to see what is going in the yards. Hopefully, the following images will help to answer your question. dEp

The North Side

Currently, the Galleria is the main focus on the north side. As long as the crane is in the area, little can be done to the north of the Galleria. This section of the north yard is presently being for equipment and material storage. It is also being used for a staging area. As the build out continues with the erection of the Canopy, I will focus more on this area. At the moment nothing much is happening north of the Galleria.

This area was used for valet parking before COVID – 19. Once the main entrance to the existing Medical Center was closed, and valet parking was temporarily suspended, the area has been used by McCarthy. This would have happened anyway as the main entrance build out moves closer to Prospect Avenue.
Just north of the Galleria, the crane is positioned in the area where the Main Entrance Canopy will be erected. The open space in the center of the frame, once used by patients and visitors, is now used by delivery trucks and staging materials and equipment.

The South Side

Question: What is What is going on around the southwest side of the new hospital just south of the connecting bridge between the two hospitals? Dennis S.
Answer: Good spotting from the webcam angle! Currently, there are about six (6) projects in the pipeline on the west side. These construction efforts include: (1) The northwest corner of the building where footings are being dug for the covered Grand Connecting Hallway, which will tie (at ground level) the current Medical Center to the new Dennis and Carol Troesch Medical Center Campus buildings. (2) Erecting a steel frame on the roof for the hallway connecting the existing Medical Center and the Children’s Hospital at the third floor level of the connecting bridge, which will, when completed, tie the two medical campus structures together. The third floor of the connecting bridge will be used by medical staff for transporting patients between services in the two buildings. (3) The installation of the steel for the seismic expansion covers on the second and third floor levels of the connecting bridge. (4) The rough grading of the westside area, (5) The ironworkers erecting and welding the steel frame for the loading canopy, which will cover the loading dock. (6) The ongoing work on the facade and window installation at the former entrance to the Children’s Hospital.
(1) Excavation and compaction for the covered Grand Connecting Hallway that will connect the two medical campus structures.
(2) The steel frame on the second floor roof for the hallway connecting the existing Medical Center and the Children’s Hospital at the third floor level of the connecting bridge.
(3) A welder and an ironworker work installing the steel seismic expansion extension pan that will connect the bridge to the existing Medical Center.
(4) The rough grading for the service road and landscaping areas have been completed. At the north end of the loading dock canopy removable bollards will be placed across the service road. The bollards can be removed should there be an emergency.
(5) A view of the west side of the new medical campus or the corridor between the two campuses. In the foreground is the loading dock with the newly erected steel frame. In the upper left corner of the image a small section of the steel frame is visible for the third floor hallway.
(6) Location of new facade with windows at the former entrance to the Children’s Hospital. With this angle, the rough grade and survey sticks are easily detected.
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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨