The San Manuel Maternity Pavilion — A New Look With the Furniture in the Rooms

The San Manuel Maternity Pavilion — A New Look With the Furniture in the Rooms

The featured photo for this post is one of my favorite photographs. It is the Well Baby Nursery. This is the room where the babies spend their first hours here on earth. I wonder who will be the first baby born in the San Manuel Maternity Pavilion?

It was fun making my rounds on the fifth floor of the San Manuel Maternity Pavilion and seeing all the finish progress–furniture, phones, printers, computers, and chairs–that has been made. The televisions have been delivered to the rooms and they will be unboxed and mounted in the next few days. Soon the patient beds will be delivered to each of the patient rooms.

The Well-Baby Nursery

The door and window to the Well-Baby Nursery
The Well baby Nursery viewing window.
Inside the Well-Baby Nursery with Stryker Baby Bassinets. Who will be the first baby to occupy this room?

Elevators, Check-In, and Family Waiting Room

From the elevator vestibule, the Family Waiting Room is across the corridor. The Reception and Check-In is to the left.
A closer look at the Family Waiting Room and the Reception and Check-In
A close-up of the Reception and Check In Office.
The Family Waiting Room that dog-legs to the right. A Consultation Room is to the right.

Obstetric Administration Offices and Post-Partum Rooms

The Obstetrics Administration Corridor and Postpartum Rooms (right side).
The Postpartum patient rooms (right side) on the Obstetrics Administration corridor.
In side a Postpartum patient room off of the Obstetric Administration corridor, there was a Well Baby Nursery Bassinets. Also a TV had been delivered and is waiting to be unboxed and mounted.
Another Postpartum patient room with a Well-Baby Nursery Bassinet.
To the left are the Obstetrics Nurses/Staff Offices behind the floor-to-ceiling screens. In front of the screens are the Nurses Stations. To the right are the Postpartum Patient Rooms.

Nurses Stations

Nurses stations with computers and telephones. Postpartum patient rooms behind the stations.
Another view of the Nurses stations with telephones and computers

Reception and Family Waiting Room — Labor and Delivery

Labor and Delivery

Door to one of the Cesarean Operating rooms.
A Cesarean operating room.
Nurses Station
Another view of the nurses station
Labor and Delivery Room
Labor and Delivery Room: Isolation
Labor and Delivery Room
The TV has been delivered to a patient’s room. Soon it will be unboxed and mounted.

Antepartum and Obstetric Exam (Triage)

Obstetric Exam Rooms on both sides of the corridor. A nurses station is at the lower right corner.
New hospital beds that were just delivered. I wonder if they are destined for the 5th floor?
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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨