Let There be Parking Structures

Let There be Parking Structures

parking-site-mapThe sites where three new multi-story parking structures will be built are depicted in this aerial view of the
Loma Linda University Medical Center Campus. Parking structure P4 will be built south of Barton Road
opposite from where the new hospitals will be constructed.

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Photo Far Left: Heavy equipment are in the process of backfilling and compacting the soil. Center left in the back-ground, parking structure P3 is nearing completion.

Photo Left: The compacting process is nearing completion.

p-2-contextual-photoThe parking structure in the above photos is actually two parking structures that were built in what was once an orange grove. Parking structure
is designated to be constructed adjacent to the existing multi-storey parking facility to the right. Prospect Avenue, which runs
east to west under the arrow will give way to the entrance to P2.

west-hall-parking-structureThe just completed (December 2013) parking structure P2, which fronts Campus Street is ready for the final inspection. The following photos
show the evolution of a one-block area fronting Campus Street between Prospect Avenue ton the north and West Hall on the south.

the-small-houseLocated on the corner of Campus Street and Prospect Avenue, the “Small” home, which was converted into office space for the Loma Linda
University Medical Center Audio Visual Communication Department would be razed along with the two offices (former homes) at its
left to make way for the new seven-level parking garage.

house-next-to-west-hallThe southernmost offices (formerly a family home) next to West Hall that is slated for demolition to clear the land for the construction of P2.

apartments-to-be-raised-off-prospectThese building fronting the south side of Prospect Avenue were also razed for construction of P2.

west-hall-aka-ps2West Hall Parking Structure (AKA P2) construction signboards, which faced Campus Street.

p2-south-boundryRebar columns tower above the southern boundary of parking structure P2. Upon completion of P2, a new east-west road between West Hall,
just out of view, to the left and the new multi-level parking structure at the right will be constructed due to the closure of Prospect Avenue.

west-hall-and-p2P2 is book end by West Hall to the left and the existing parking structure at the right. Even though Prospect Avenue  has been closed for
construction the street sign at the far right still hangs from a light pole.

flag-on-top-of-p2The American flag on top of the rebar indicates that the building height has topped out.

p2-from-the-loma-linda-hillsP2 as seen from the Loma Linda hills.

 width=As P2 nears completion the new east-west road named Violet Molnar Road, which replaced Prospect Avenue, the main corridor
from Campus Street (to the east) and to San Lucas Drive (to the west).

p2-south-sideThe south elevation of P2 as seen from the corner of Campus Street and Violet Molnar Road. West hall is to the left.

prospect-ave-looking-eastProspect Avenue looking east. This road will give way to the parking structure P2 and a new road will be built a block to the south.

p2-closed-prospect-entranceWhat was once Prospect Avenue served as a construction entrance for P2. The “Small” house stood on the corner (left of the driveway) of Campus
Street and Prospect Avenue. The rebar pillars to the right will become the exposed columns along the drive into the structure (see photo below).

What was once Prospect Avenue is now the entrance to the parking garage. The pedestrian walkway over Campus Street was constructed in 2014,
several months after the parking facility was completed. The ramp taking vehicles to and taking
vehicles to and from levels 2 to 7 is at the end of the driveway.

p2-rampThe P2 ramp which takes vehicles to and from levels 1 and 7.

p-2-from-the-airA completed parking structure P2 to the left with Loma Linda University Medical at the right. The San Bernardino Mountains are in the background.

p2-night-shot-from-barton-rdA night view of P2 from the south side of Barton Road.

p3-at-barton-and-campusThe completed  patient and visitor multi-story parking structure P3 as seen from the southwest corner of Barton Road and Campus Street.

On May 4, 2015, this photo was taken from the roof of the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital. This purpose of the photo was to provide
the architects with an overall view of the Faculty Medical Offices and the site (inside the yellow grid) which would incorporate the
new seven-level parking structure P4.

A view of where parking structure P4 will be built. This photo was taken on Monday, May 4, 2015,  from the Faculty Medical Offices roof .

pps-p4-6In the spring of 2016, a modular trailer was brought onto the property in preparation for work to begin on P4.

pps-p4-3Two homes had to be demolished to make room for the new Parking Structure. At the time this photo was taken in April of 2015, Demolition has
begun on this home located on the north side of Daisy Avenue. By razing this home and the home across the street, the new parking structure
could be moved further west to accommodate the overhead pedestrian walkway from P4 to the hospitals across Barton Road.

pps-p4-5The home on the south side of Daisy Avenue is being demolished to make space for the new parking structure.

pps-p4-4The two homes located on Daisy Avenue slated for demolition are depicted in the left third of the grid. The perpendicular yellow line depicts the
approximate area where the overhead pedestrian walkway will cross over Barton Road. Note, the modular construction trailer below the grid.

With the two homes demolished, the parking lot autographed with a plethora of surveyor markings, an excavator delivered to the construction site,
and a portable toilet on the site: Construction is about to begin.




Reduced to Rubble
for the Sake of Progress

Photo Left: The home on the north side of Daisy Avenue has been reduced to rubble. Daisy Avenue is in the foreground.

Photo Right: The pile of rubble is all that remains to the home south of Daisy Avenue.

In the spring of 2016, construction on parking structure P4 begins. In the background, the excavator is
clearing the rubble from the two demolished homes.

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Photo far Left: Soil compaction: First the excavation of the soil, then the backfill and compaction began. In the background, behind the palm tree, is parking structure P3, which is still under construction.

Photo left:  The backfill of the soil and compaction neared completion.



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Photo Left: The rectangular foundation footings are being dug.

Photo Right: The first layer of rebar caissons rise out of the rectangular foundation footings. Cement will be poured in the foundation footings and left to dry. Once the cement cures, exterior wooden forms will be connected to the foundation pad and the rebar columns and filled with cement.

pps-p4-13As viewed from the roof of the Children’s Hospital the construction site for P4 is a hub of activity.

pps-p4-14For those driving down Barton Road with their windows down on this lovely spring day, they would have heard construction sounds in stereo.
Grading was in high gear on the hospital site (left) and a cement truck was pumping concrete at the Faculty Medical Offices
parking structure P4 on the south side of Barton Road.

pps-p4-18Construction is progressing on P4. In this photo, the western section of the third level is being formed. In the background, across Barton Road,
the construction pit is construction pit is  visible. To the left of the Children’s Hospital is the recently completed P3 parking structure.

A closer view of the western section of the third level as the iron workers lay down the rebar to reinforce the concrete.

pps-p4-25A Foggy view of P4 from the roof of the Children’s HospitalThe two arrows at the lower right point to the two caissons, which when completed
will support the overhead pedestrian walkway over Barton Road.

pps-p4-26An ironworker (upper right) attaches a prefabricated form to a rebar caisson.

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Photo Far Left: P4 as viewed from Anderson Street. Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital is to the right.

Photo Left: P4 as viewed from Daisy Avenue.




pps-p4-29Under cloudy skies, P4 as viewed from the construction site for the new Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital and Adult Hospital with the south
south shoring wall is in the foreground. P4 fronts Barton Road, a four-lane road, with a median down the center.

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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨