Memorializing the Podium Stage From Various Camera Angles on Campus: July 2, 2018

Memorializing the Podium Stage From Various Camera Angles on Campus: July 2, 2018

This view from the southeast is a screenshot from the webcam stationed on top of the Faculty Medical Office building.(2018-07-02 10:45:09) 🔨

Now that the steelwork has all but been completed, the construction project will soon be moving on two another stage: the Children’s and Adult Hospital towers. It is fitting that before the project moves on to the tower phase, the podium phase should be memorialized in photos. The following photos are screenshots from live cams that are focused on the total project. The numbers at the end of each caption represent the date each screenshots was taken. 🔨


This screenshot is a northwest view of the steel structure. The north and west sides are visible in this photo. Note the atrium in the center of the building. (2018-07-02 11:42:22) 🔨








This screenshot is a view of the west side steel structure. In this photo, the atrium in the center of the structure is more distinct as viewed from this angle. The Children’s Hospital tower will be on the right of the atrium, and the Adult tower will be on the left. (2018-07-02 11:43:33) 🔨




Until recently, the employees who worked on the second floor in the Carrol S. Small Alumni Center, which sits less than two-hundred yards directly east of the project, had a grand panoramic view of the Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center buildings. Today, that magnificent view is all but gone. Once completed, however, the towers of the new hospitals, during the summer months, will provide much needed afternoon shade to the Alumni Center Building. This screenshot was taken off of the webcam positioned on top of the Alumni Center building. (2018-07-02 11:43:4 🔨



A delightful screenshot view of the existing Health Science campus with the steel podium guarded on either side by gigantic crawler cranes. The steel towers that will extend above the podium will soon dwarf the towers of the current Medical Center. (2018-07-02 12:02:29) 🔨







This  view from the southeast is a screen shot from the webcam stationed on top of one of the Faculty Medical Office buildings. In the left foreground is a corner of the P4 parking structure, which was completed earlier this year. In the far left, we see one of the iconic towers of the Medical Center whose days are fast approaching to give way to the towers of the new hospitals. (2018-07-02 10:45:09) 🔨





From the roof of the Faculty Medical Office building, this webcam shot captures the southeast section of the construction site. In the left foreground is a portion of the northeast corner of the P4 parking structure, which was completed earlier this year. In the far left, partially obscured by the parking structure and the steel podium, we see the top section of the iconic Medical Center towers, which will be dwarfed by the towers of the new hospitals. (2018-07-02 10:45:09) 🔨

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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨