The Link Between The New Hospitals, A Pipe Fitter, and a Peds OR Nurse a LLU School of Nursing Graduate

The Link Between The New Hospitals, A Pipe Fitter, and a Peds OR Nurse a LLU School of Nursing Graduate

Last week, I wandered over to a lift on the north side of level “A,” to ask a question of the person who had his face inches from the ceiling hanging copper pipes for domestic hot and cold water. It so happened that he belongs to the brotherhood of plumbers, and he, as it turned out, was the perfect person to ask my question. Not only was he able to answer the question, he was able to provide some serendipitous information that was very much unexpected. I asked him how he liked working on the project and he gave a very common answer. ” I like it  because because the work is close to where I live.”


Meet Adam and Rachael 



After he lowered the lift to get some additional materials, I learned his name was Adam, and that he has been a plumber for approximately eighteen years. He married his wife Rachael ten years ago, and she is a 2016, Bachelor of Science graduate of the Loma Linda University School of Nursing. Then Adam pointed over his shoulder toward the Children’s Hospital and said: “she is over there. She works in the peds operating room.” And so we have it: The link between the new hospital, a pipe fitter, and a peds OR nurse a LLU School of Nursing graduate.




Rachael: LLU School of Nursing Graduate, Class of 2016




In the photo above, Adam is seen lowering the lift to move to another location on level “A.” Rachael in her graduation cap and gown. No doubt, these two have an emotional and service connection to the new towers of healing. Adam will be able to tease Rachael that he began work at the new towers approximately three years prior to her transferring over.











Adam and Rachael along with their two children–a girl who will soon turn ten and a son who is eight– reside in Ontario, California. Because of their busy schedules, the family stays pretty much stay close to home where they enjoy their new pool and other backyard activities. Both Adam and Rachael are from San Jacinto, and went to the same middle school and high school but never met. It wasn’t until Adam was having some friends over to his house that a mutual friend invited Rachael. Suffice it to say, Adam and Rachael hit it off, and the rest is history. Adam explains that after they purchased their home things were tight financially for a few years as they were living on a single income while Rachael finished her nursing degree. They rarely took vacations, but they took one trip to Hawaii, which they really enjoyed, and they both echo the sentiment that they “would love to return.”

Rachael explains her journey to Loma Linda in this way: “I do not have family associated with Loma Linda. I’ve always heard great things about Loma Linda’s reputation. I grew up pretty poor and never thought I would attend a private college. After meeting Adam and his family and living fairly close to Loma Linda, I knew I could do it if I worked hard. I had a really good feeling about Loma Linda and placed all my eggs in one basket, with it being the only college I applied to. Turns out it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

After graduation and passing her boards, Rachael took a position at the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital where she works in the pediatric department. Of her experience working in the Peds department, Rachael credits her mother with the foundation she needed to have that innate ability and desire to work with kids. I was raised by my mother who ran “a daycare out of our home, and my siblings and I always helped. I love that I’m able to work with kids, and I’ve always wanted to to work with kids – not specifically the operating room, but I lucked out getting my position and I love it! I love being able to be there for the kids when they are feeling anxious or nervous and helping them to calm down and help them think about more positive things. I love knowing that we [in the Peds department] are trying to help them have a better and healthier life and possibly influencing their future.”

Adam confesses, that he has “not worked [this] close to Rachael [and her work] ever.” Also,  [t]here is definitely something comforting knowing that Rachael is just in the next building over.”  Rachael is very happy that Adam is working on the new building. She says that she “find[s] it very comforting that my husband is helping build the new hospital[s]. I may be biased but I think [Adam] is the best amongst the trade. I know his quality of work by his projects around the home and his friends. One cool thing is when I pass through the hallway with the windows facing the new building, I was able to see Adam bringing in new material, so I had to call him and let him know I was there. We were able to catch a glimpse of each other and wave.”

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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨