A New Landmark in the Inland Empire: All Towers Have Now Topped Out — The Profiles of the New Hospitals are Set.

A New Landmark In the Inland Empire
News Flash!
It is official: With the exception of a few beams on the north side of the Elevator Tower, all towers (as of December 21, 2018, the first day of winter) of the Loma Linda University Campus Transformation Project have now topped out. The profiles of the new hospital — from all angles — have been set in steel. The skyline not only of the campus but also of the Inland Empire has been changed for many, many years to come. The iconic cloverleaf towers of the current Medical Center, which have dominated the skyline for a half-century will now forever stand in the shadow of the new Children’s and Adult hospital towers.
No doubt, the new towers will be added to the list of landmarks pilots may point out as they make their approach into the Ontario International airport. I can hear it now: “Ladies and gentlemen: for the passengers on the left side of the plane you may want to look out your window, coming up, are the tall towers of the Loma Linda University Health Sciences Center.”

The End of Week 134 and Two Days Shy of Week 135