The Week of February 24, 2019 — The Work Force on the Project Has Now Reached 850 Strong
The feature image for this week is of a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Air Rescue 7 Helicopter, which was on approach to the south helipad located on top of the existing Children’s Hospital. It is rare for me to get a change to photograph the life flight helicopters from a good vantage point on the building. Today, I was able to capture two helicopters within minutes of each other. The first came in from the west, making its approach from the east and landed on the north helipad. A few minutes later made its approach from the east and landed on the south helipad. I was so engrossed in capturing the first helicopter, I failed see from what direction the second helicopter came.
Sunday, February 24, 2019, was a beautiful day to wander around the site. The temperature was not too cold or too cold. There was enough of a breeze to evaporate most of the mud puddles from last weeks rain.
Helicopters as Viewed From the 17th-Floor
A Southern Approach and Landing
The Corrugated Decking on the 17th Floor (Roof) and spectacular views
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨
March 22 . What floor is the concrete pumping on today. With all the tarps, it is more difficult to know where the action is.
Dennis E. Park, MA
In my email reply, I noticed something was messed up. It should have read: Today, they are pumping the lower section of the 17th floor (the roof) running east to west. On the roof there is a step up and so they are just pumping the lower section today.
Dennis E. Park, MA
I just posted the step on:The Week of February 24, 2019 — The Work Force on the Project Has Now Reached 850 Strong
I believe it is the last photo. This should give you an idea. Will be posting more on the 17th floor this weekend
March 22 . What floor is the concrete pumping on today. With all the tarps, it is more difficult to know where the action is.
In my email reply, I noticed something was messed up. It should have read: Today, they are pumping the lower section of the 17th floor (the roof) running east to west. On the roof there is a step up and so they are just pumping the lower section today.
I just posted the step on:The Week of February 24, 2019 — The Work Force on the Project Has Now Reached 850 Strong
I believe it is the last photo. This should give you an idea. Will be posting more on the 17th floor this weekend