The project is at a stage, that there are a few crews who work the night shift. I decided to see what it was like in the still of the night. On this particular night a crew was hanging windows on the south side of the Adult Hospital tower. My timing wasn’t so good as arrived at around 8:00 PM and everyone had settled in for a “Lunch” break. The lift operator Brett was all too happy to take me to the roof of the Adult Hospital tower (the 17th floor) where I was able to get some night shots of the campus and surrounding area. After spending some time on the roof, Brett took me down to the fifth floor where I zigzagged my way down the steel studded hallways to where I could get out on to the roof of the western atrium.
Upon arriving at the roof, I was able to snap an image of Brett, the lift operator as he was looking at the moon in the sky. A view of the west end (Colton, Rialto, Fontana east) from the roof of the Adult Hospital tower. The winds are kicking up the dust in that area.Although there was a stiff breeze, the view from the roof of the Adult Hospital tower was spectacular. Lower right is the intersection of Anderson Street (north to south) and Prospect Avenue (east to west). In the center is the Hill, which was THE campus in 1905. Surrounding the hill were orchards, vineyards, and farmland.The other major building project on the Loma Linda University campus is the construction of a new Chapel and educational wing, which is an extension of the University Church. The Church fronts the west side of the south quadrangle.
An example of the steel-studded hallways on the 5th floor that I had to zigzag through on my way to the west atrium.Facing West: This was my view as I stepped out on to the roof of the atrium. To my left was the fifth floor of the podium, which supported the Children’s Hospital tower. To the right was the Adult Hospital tower. Facing East: Looking up at the opposite end of the atrium, the elevator tower rises another 13 stories above. To the right, the glass windows of the Children’s Hospital tower fade into the night.The southwest section of the Adult Hospital’s tower as viewed from the 5th floor atrium. To the right is the Elevator tower that connects the Adult Hospital to the Children’s Hospital.A stack of widows yet to be hung that night are laid out on the floor of the west atrium. Facing the Medical Center on the north side of the podium. The spot on which I stood to take this image was a section of Medical Center Drive off of Anderson Street.
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨