docuvision2020 Reaches a Major Milestone

On September 9, 2016, when then this website published its first post, I had no idea how it would be received. While vacationing in Hawaii. I had a wild and wacky idea that the construction of one of the largest and most technologically advanced teaching hospital complexes in the State of California might be of interest. Of interest to the thousands of Loma Linda University alumni who are located all over the world. Of interest to the students, faculty, and staff on the Loma Linda University campus. Of interest to the Loma Linda Community and the surrounding communities. Of interest, to the healthcare community. Of interest to those who are enthralled by construction, especially tall buildings.
I was under contract by Loma Linda University to document the construction of the Loma Linda University Health Campus Transformation Project. Initially, I began to photograph and categorize the images by date during the make ready phases, which was in the late summer of 2015. Something kept nagging at me to do more than to snap images and categorize.
And so, being the curious person that I am, and being the type of person who has this insatiable desire to know, coupled with a genetic defect of not knowing what I don’t know should probably be left well enough alone, I forged ahead. I forged ahead because I knew enough about computers to be dangerous and even less about building a website. That was then and this is now. I still don’t know much more than when I began, but I am less timid about hitting that “publish” button.
It has been a delight to publish this blog, and it has been more gratifying to get comments and/or questions (either via email or in person) about the project.
One of the first images that I published on the website was this artist rendering of what the future hospitals would look like. At the time this architectural masterpiece was lowered into the ground the grand reality as too far off in the future to be more than just an administrative pipe dream.
An administrative pipe dream no more: On the morning of May 8, 2019, the hospital complex looks very much like the artist rendering in the previous photo. The Loma Linda University Health Logo was placed in the right lower corner to emulate the artist rendering.
An administrative pipe dream no more: On the morning of May 8, 2019, the hospital complex looks very much like the artist rendering in the previous photo.