A New and Interesting Art Subject in the Inland Empire

A New and Interesting Art Subject in the Inland Empire

The featured image for this post is Photoshop’s rendition of an oil painting taken from the original photograph.

For some time, I have felt that the new hospital towers can provide a person interested in art with a plethora of opportunities to express their talent in whatever medium they wish. This evening (September 2, 2019), such an opportunity came my way with an image I took at sunset. With the help of Photoshop, the image was transformed into several interesting, if not pleasing, renditions of the east elevation.

The Original Sunset Photograph

This is the image that caught my attention and gave me the idea to play around with different random artistic styles.

Some Interesting Artistic Styles Based on the Original Photograph

“Find Edges.”
“Polar Coordinates.”
“Zig Zag”
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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨