Spooky and Yet to be explained Aberrations in and Around the East Yard
The featured image (albeit a little grainy) is of the first anomaly floating around and above the back cage on the back of the flatbed.
On the night of March 16, 2020, I was watching the webcam stationed on top of the Carol S. Small Alumni Building (known as camera 4), which is located across the street from the east gate on Anderson Street. At 7:20.55 PM (webcam time), I grabbed a closeup of the cages that had been loaded on the flatbed truck. Just as I grabbed the image, I noticed a strange anomaly wafting around and above the cage on the back of the flatbed. I didn’t think about the strange image as the camera changes every five (5) seconds and I don’t recall seeing it again…until 7:57.46 PM, and again at 7:59.09. WOW, this is strange, I muttered to myself . After the first screen grab, I captured seven (7) more images with strange anomalies floating or suspended in the air in different areas of the the yard. Their forms and functions remain a mystery.
Image 2: At 7:57.46 PM, This image was captured. The initial anomaly had disappeared or split. One puff was enveloping the upper floors of the Adult Hospital tower. Smaller anomalies were floating in the air: One just to the right of the LLUMC sign (center right), one at the lower right corner, one at the left side of the gate on Anderson Street, one hanging above the podium just south of the the Children’s Hospital tower, and a faint one in front of the Parking structure P4.Image 3: By 7:59.09, most of the floating anomalies had dissipated, with the exception of the one high on the Adult Hospital tower. The unknown artifact that was seen in the previous image just to the right of the LLUMC sign had morphed into larger shape as it floated under the sign.Image 4: When the above image was captured at 7:59.30 PM. Like the familiar special effects at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, the ghost-like anomalies float about the east side of the building. The folded butterfly wing in image 2 returns in image 4 only this time rather than hovering next to the LLUMC sign it seemingly attaches itself to the aerial lift tower around the eighth and ninth floors. The floating aberration, which hung just below the LLUMC sign has changed shape. A fainter shape partially obscures the flatbed. At the center left at the roof of Parking structure P4, a more proportioned shape can be seen.Image 5: When this image was grabbed at 7:59.45 PM, the butterfly wing attached to the aerial lift tower was gone. The floating vapor wafting in front of the Adult Hospital tower had not increased in size, but had shifted somewhat in shape. The blurring in beside the flatbed was still present, and had morphed out of the open gate. To the left of the Children’s Hospital tower and above the northeast corner of Parking structure P4, bird-like image appears to dive toward two bubble-like images floating into the frame (center left).Image 6: The dancing goblins became very active after 8:00 PM. . . .8:00.23 precisely when the they came out in force dancing along the security fence to the left of the entrance gate. If one looks closely, it appears that the aberrations continue their vaporous dance around the northeast corner of the structure and continue north toward the Medical Center. The mist spirals up the Adult Hospital tower reaching to the the 14th-floor. The flatbed continues to be enveloped by the mist, which appears in this image to meld with the cloud wafting to the Adult Hospital tower while moving out the east gate driveway. To the left, hazy puff ball vapors float above the southeast yard. Image 7: At 8:01.19 PM, the dancing goblins along the security fence south of the gate appeared to evaporate save one, which gives the impression, as it floats above the fence, to challenge all-comers who might approach the area. The hazy puff ball vapors have disappeared. From the 16th-floor a bird-like image appears to swoop down toward the east yard. Below around the third floor along the leave out bay a five-pointed star shines bright enveloping a section of the cranes boom. The aberrations floating along the northeast corner of the structure toward the north yard continue with their dance. The vapor that once crept along the driveway for the east gate appears to have pulled back toward the flatbed.
No Aberrations, No Anomalies, or Vapors — Images as They Should Be
06:05.9 AM: A normal morning image. There are nor aberrations, anomalies, or vapors,.8:41.24 PM: A view of the east elevation as it normally appears without aberrations, anomalies, or vapors.
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨