December 14, 2020 — Eight Days and Counting

The feature for this post has to do with all things related to food which include the kitchens (Level “A”), and the cafeteria (First Floor). The featured image is of a section of the cafeteria. A cleaning crew was behind the cabinets polishing the stainless steel. I noticed a few punch list items that were left to do, but for the most part, the cafeteria looked ready for some hungry visitors and staff. The longer, I walked around in the cafeteria, the new smell of equipment subliminally gave away to the aroma of food. Where were the muffled sounds? Where were the trays, the plates, the silverware, and people with trays in hand milling about the different serving stations? Heading each feature section is the department sign that is mounted on the wall identifying the room(s).
My first Self Operated Elevator Ride
Another first for me on this project. Being too lazy to walk down the stairs to Level “A”, I elected to take an elevator. I decided to try one of the adult elevators behind the information in the Lobby. All of the elevator doors were closed. No one was around, not even an elevator operator. On a whim, I pushed a button, which immediately lit up. Low and behold, within seconds, an elevator stopped at the ground floor. The doors opened with no operator or tradesmen inside. I walked in and pushed the “A” button, the door closed, and down I went. The elevator stopped at Level “A”, and the door opened and I exited the elevator no worse for the wear. As I walked away, I could hear the doors close behind me. December 14, 2020, my first self operated elevator ride.