December 17, 2020 — T- Minus 5 Days and Holding

The featured image for today’s blog is of the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital tower and the Loma Linda University Medical Center Adult tower as viewed from the southeast side of the campus. The clouds and position of the sun provided a unique visual on the towers.
My mother-in-law used to say, “While making plans, life happens.” A good example of this paraphrased aphorism is a rocket launch. Time and again, over the years, I have sat glued to the TV for special launches waiting for liftoff. As the launch gets closer, the TV screen displays a digital timer. The count down goes from minutes to seconds, and then, the clock stops. After a pregnant pause, the flight director comes on the screen and says in a solemn tone, “T-minus 30 seconds and holding.”
This illustration is similar to the LARGE Loma Linda University Campus Transformation Project (LLUCTP). Every attempt was made to make the transfer from the contractor to Loma Linda University. The countdown began, and suddenly the transfer was put on hold for a few days, perhaps into January. Plans were made. The holidays were right around the corner, and COVID-19 reared its ugly head again in California. The State set a new virus record. According to Thursday’s (12.17.20) edition of the Los Angeles Times, the headlines screamed: “ICU availability in Southern California at 0%, and it’s going to get worse, officials warn.” In the same paper Dr. Christina Ghaly, the [Los Angeles] county’s director of health services, said. “Our hospitals are under siege, and our model shows no end in sight.” In the Inland Empire, Loma Linda University Medical Center is at or near capacity. A stay-home order is in effect. The LLUCTP is considered essential, so the work continues while every precaution is taken. Barring any unforeseen hiccups affecting the project, Eric Schilt, Vice President of Planning, Design, and Construction at Loma Linda Unversity Health says “that the anticipated May 2021, patient admissions time frame is still on the schedule.”
Coronavirus Update — United States and California

Coronavirus Update — Loma Linda University Health

While the planned transfer is at T-minus 5 days and holding, I will, like the TV announcer, keep the visitors to the site apprised of the progress being made on the Dennis and Carol Troesh Medical Campus.
The South Side Frontage Road, Parking Lots Get Their Final Layer of Asphalt and Were Striped — Another Harbinger of Completion.

The “Come Unto Me” Photo Gallery

The West Corridor, the Main Entrance, and the Amphitheater

is the 5 days regarding only the inside of the two facilities?