June 21, 2021, The First Day of Summer — Under the Heat, the Work on the Northeast Parking Lot and the Work on the Barton Road Pedestrian Bridge Continues
The featured image for the first week of summer is of the northeast parking lot at grade. Tomorrow, the base will be brought in and compacted on top of the dirt grade. On Wednesday, If all goes as planned, the parking lot will be paved.
As we begin this fourth week of June, rumor has it that the heatwave may wane a bit the next few days, but climb again on Saturday. Temperatures below 100° will be welcome news to those who labor outside. Many of us on the site are elated that we are free from the Covid-19 masks. From March 20, 2020, to June 15, 2021, the State of California has been under some of the most stringent Covid rules in the country, but with California having one of the nation’s highest vaccination rates, Governor Newsom has relaxed most of the mandated rules. However, there are some guidelines for hospitals, schools, large sporting events, and theme parks.
A first image of Medical Center staff eating lunch at one of the new picnic tables (center) located on the west side of the new hospitals.
The Northeast Parking Lot and Service Road/Fire Lane
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
At last, the the service road/fire lane around the Dennis and Carol Troesh Medical Campus is joined at the main entrance. The Northeast Parking Lot was paved today (06.23.31). The numbers on the image correspond to the photos below.(1) The newly paved Service Road/Fire Lane and Northeast Parking Lot as viewed from the Main Entrance exit at Prospect Ave.(2) The newly paved Northeast Parking Lot as viewed from the southwest corner.(3) The sidewalk on the southside of the Northeast Parking Lot was poured earlier in the day.(4) The 22-ton boulder (center), which will be a central landscape feature in the greenbelt between the East Parking Lot (right) and the Northeast Parking Lot (left).(5) The last postage stamp section of the East Parking Lot is being compacted by a small double drum roller.(6) Newly poured concrete for sidewalks inside the greenbelt. Note the large 22-ton boulder in the upper left corner.(7) Mike, a soil/compaction density engineer uses a nuclear gauge to determine the compaction density of the asphalt. He had just notified the steamroller operator that the asphalt needed to be rolled more to reach the optimum compaction level. It is interesting to note that I took a photo of Mike doing a compaction density test at the bottom of the pit.(8) The greenbelt between the East and Northeast Parking Lots.(9) The Northeast Parking Lot and Drive Island with the green belt that wraps around the parking lot between the East and Northeast Parking Lots.(10) The Northeast Parking Lot and Service Road at the corner of Anderson Street and Prospect Avenue.
The Barton Road Pedestrian Bridge
Thursday, June 24, 2021
The view of the median section where excavation is taking place as photographed from the Barton Road westbound lane. Before the storm drain conduit and the vault can be rerouted, a palm tree and several sections of wrought iron fence must be removed.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
From the P4 Parking Structure one can see on the north side of Barton Road the heavy equipment on the site where the elevator tower will be constructed. In the Median foreground excavation has begun to relocate the storm drain conduit and vault, which is where the pilings and piling caps are to be located.Two things to notice in this image: 1) The first phase of the excavation of the bank has been completed. The shoring wall holds back the remaining section of the band. 2) The excavator is out of the pit.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Cutting the bank back where the Elevator Tower will be located.Another view of the bank that is being excavated behind the shoring walls,What does one do if they need to get an excavator out the way of heavy equipment? Take the crane and set the excavator in the nearby pit.
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨