We Are Getting Ready to Open Our New Hospital — An Update From Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH

We Are Getting Ready to Open Our New Hospital — An Update From Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH

The Ribbon-Cutting Will be on August 6, and on August 8, Patients Will Be Moved into the New Hospital


The link to join in watching the ribbon-cutting. Note: the link may not be active until the day of the ribbon-cutting.
A helicopter approaches the new helipad as it prepares for the first landing. Photo Credit: LLUH/Cosmin Cosma (06.25.21)
Photo Credit: LLUH/Cosmin Cosma (06.25.21)
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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨