The Steel Skeleton of the Podium Was Completed on June 29, 2018. With That the Creeping Has Concluded

The Steel Skeleton of the Podium Was Completed on June 29, 2018. With That the Creeping Has Concluded

The steel skeleton of the completed podium (sans the towers) stands four-stories high above grade. In the upper left is an artist rendering (sans the towers) of the of the completed podium with the cladding (exterior). In the future, as the towers rise, and the same artist rendering will be used to chart the progress. For the next seventeen-days, the cranes will stand down while the welders and the deckers catch up. Also, crews will be working inside the building preparing the remaining metal decking with inserts and laying rebar to reinforce the concrete. Interior work will include but is not limited to: floor and door layout, installing ceiling plates for the wall studs, layout for electrical, plumbing, fire sprinklers, installing more mechanical pipes and monokote the beams and columns. During that time, the man lift will be raised at least another floor. Also, the surveyors will continue to monitor the vertical and horizontal axis of the structure. The featured photo was taken at the same approximate angle as the artist rendering. 🔨

A larger photo of the inset picture featured in the previous photo. The feature photo of the steel skeleton is a close to the same angle as the artist rendering as I could get within the confines of the safety fence. 🔨

An All But Empty Staging Yard: For all practical purposes, the podium (base) for the Adult and Children’s Hospital’s was completed yesterday (06.28.18) afternoon. Two remaining BRBs and two inner beams were left in the yard to be dealt with early on the morning of June 29, 2018.  On the left two BRBs rest on wooden blocks while on the right the last two inner beams wait for their cable ride to the top. The delay in the delivery of the stairs, which were to be dropped through a small space before the two inner beams are hung hampered the ironworkers from completing the podium skeleton Thursday afternoon. 🔨

The east elevation of the podium: Note that from this angle, the view of the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, which are completely obscured by the new construction. 🔨

Even from the sidewalk on the east side of Anderson Street, the steel structure still looms large in front of the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. 🔨


Just for Fun………and Now the Towers

Now that the steel for the podium is up, we can now look forward to the iron rising on the towers. Just for fun, this photo depicts what the towers will look like as they go up. Please keep in mind that the representation is not to scale, and the perspective might be a tad off, but a close depiction nevertheless. Even from the sidewalk on the east side of Anderson Street, the steel structure still looms large in front of the Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. 🔨

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Dennis E. Park, MA
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨
    • Dennis W. Schall

    can we get a bigger pictures of the inset of the edge of the new hospital

      • Dennis E. Park, MA

      Will do. Just for You!

        • Dennis E. Park, MA

        It is under the photo of the one with the inset.

    • omid


      • Dennis E. Park, MA

      Thank you!