The 16th Floor Plus a 1/2: The Helipad, The Ramp, The Patient Lobby, and Patient Elevators Too
When one is at grade along Barton Road, or walking around the campus and happen to look up at the helipad a curious observer might wonder what is it like up there above the GFRC and windows where the steel still reminds us of a structure past and the white tarps occasionally blow in the breeze.
In a few recent posts, I have posted images of the helipad and ramp in its lattice form. I have made mention of the the patient receiving lobby and and the patient elevators, but due inaccessibility, I have been unable to provide images of that area. Now that the stairs have been installed from the 16th floor to the 1/2 floor patient lobby, we will take a look at the early stages of this important section of the project.
The feature image of this post details the area on which this post will concentrate. Future posts will revisit this area of construction as it progresses.
When completed, the Patient’s Lobby off of the Helipad’s ramp can be accessed via a stairway (1) behind a locked door from the 16th floor. The lobby (2) is referred to floor 16 and 1/2. The elevator shaft (3) will serve four elevators. The two north elevators will be patient elevators while the two adjacent elevators will serve the staff. Another view of the Patient Lobby as viewed from the 16th floor. The stairs to the lobby are at center left of the frame.An excellent view of the stairs (1) to the roof (17th floor). The elevator shafts (2) are positioned in the center left of the frame. The Patient Lobby (3) is at the top of the stairs (4). A view of the stairs (1) as viewed from the north, the north end of the Patient Lobby (2), and the location of the helipad ramp (3), which is obscured by the tarp.This is the view (looking south) that greeted me as I neared the top of the stairs to the Patient Lobby. The elevator shaft (2) is at center left. The patient lobby (3) runs north and south. At the lower right is the area that the patients will enter from the helipad via the ramp. From what will be the door (1) of the northwest side of the Patient Lobby, the full length and width of the ramps steel frame (2) is revealed as it links up to the helipad (3) at the west end of the Adult tower.At what will be the south wall of the Patient Lobby facing north one can see the stairs (1) leading up to the lobby. At the right of the frame is the elevator shaft (2), which is just out of the frame. The full length of the Patient Lobby (3) is depicted in the frame as well as the eastern edge of the ramp (4), which runs out to the helipad. From the Patient Lobby (1) facing the elevator shaft for the two Patient elevators (2a and 2b). At the center right, at the edge of the frame and just out of view, is the elevator shaft (3) for the two staff elevators. Until the drywall and the elevators are installed, the 16th floor (4) will be visible from this vantage point. Looking down into the elevator shaft, which when completed, will be used for patients brought in by helicopter. Once in the elevator, the patient will be whisked down (without stopping) to the emergency room on level 2.
After graduate school Dennis accepted a position at Loma Linda University. He worked there for 42 years in the areas of administration and financial management, also teaching accounting and management to dietetic students at the School of Public Health. Through the years Dennis has chronicled the growth of the campus, including the construction of the Drayson Center and the Centennial Complex and the razing of Gentry Gym. He is the author of "The Mound City Chronicles: A Pictorial History of Loma Linda University, A Health Sciences Institution 1905 - 2005." dEp 09.30.2016 🔨
As for the Monokote (fire retardant) is all but done. They are in the process of what they call “touchup.” I believe this week they are doing something around the helipad this week.
Dennis, Is the fireproof coating finished?
As for the Monokote (fire retardant) is all but done. They are in the process of what they call “touchup.” I believe this week they are doing something around the helipad this week.